arriej Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 (edited) This topic contains the most common problems and fixes knows for attack of the b team! There is also a small> tutorial on how to read error logs and you might be able to figure out your self whats wrong with your game! And since a short time we are also showing the >known problems of this modpack! Note to your self: This is not the place to report new problems!! Use the Bug Reports! MOD EDIT: Do not come in here posting "help, my launcher doesn't work!" "the modpack doesn't work!". All issues you're experiencing are reported on the Bug Reports only. new users ignoring this may get tempbanned. - Munaus Please note that every PC is different and a fix stated here may not be the fix for you. The fixes here are fixes that worked for me and my friends or get reported to me as a fix. This topic Its a work in progress and i will keep adding more fixes on the way. Let's get started!! Issue: Out Of memory. Cause: This is caused because there is not enough memory allocated to the launcher. Fix: To fix this issue you need to allocate more memory to your launcher. Its recommended to have at least 1,5/2GB for this modpack. Make sure you do not go over 4 GB, java starts running slower and may crash. How to add more RAM: Click on the cog at the top right on the launcher. Issue: Can't add more then 1GB of RAM to the launcher. Cause: 1.) Not a 64Bit java installed (Or having an older version of 32Bit installed) 2.) Not enough RAM in your PC. Fix: 1.) Install a 64 bit version of java ( ).Or uninstall the 32Bit version. 2.) Upgrade your PC with more RAM. Issue: Mod pack wont update/download. Cause: Most of the time a anti-virus software blocking the download Fix: 1.) Update you java to the most recent version. 2.)Make sure no (parental) software if blocking the download (Virus scanner/Net nanny) 3.) Keep trying. Issue: Failed to download <some file> Cause: Security software, internet connection interruption Fix: Disable security software temporarily, if it works, add the base url to exceptions ( for example has a base url of (Thanks to kalbintion) Issue: Game wont update past 1.0.8 Cause: Outdated java.(Some mods don't support the older java versions) Fix: Update java and make sure you get the right version (64 or 32 Bit) and you delete all old version of java. (If the client can chose between and up-to-date 32 bit version of an outdated 64 bit version it will take the 64 bit one. (Thanks to: ArabicSnowman) Issue: No mobs spawning Cause: Mob limit hit. Fix: this can be solved by typing the command /cofh killall Or change your difficulty to peaceful briefly so hostile mobs despawn. (Thanks to kalbintion) Issue: IndexOutOfBoundsException Error Cause: Related to a Config being corrupt issue. Fix: Resetting the modpack. The error in the log: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at java.nio.Buffer.checkIndex( at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.get( (Thanks to kalbintion) Issue: Crash on mojang screen. Cause: Various causes know. (Can basically be anything) 1.) Outdated java 2.) Fail in mapwriter config. (check how to read a error log down here) Fix: I am naming some different fixes here. If this did not work for you make a issue on the issue tracker don't forget to add the log ( %appdata%/.technic/logs ) 1.) Update java. ( ). 2.) Go to the location of the mapwriter you find in the error log. and delete the file (make a backup) 3.)There are many reason this could happen. try to reset the modpack (You will lose custom settings) 4.) if that did not help make an issue repport here And include an errorlog Issue: Server/Client crashes when you joins a server/load the world Cause: Depends on the error log. most common reason I have seen is because of an mod item that crashes the world. (Check the how to read an error log tutorial down here) Fix: the fix for an block incompatibility. (the following example is for the oven from "mrcrayfish furniture mod" but it also works for the DNA Breeder.) Go into the mods folder then to the config folder, open up the cfm.cfg file and change the line: I:BlockOven=854 to I:BlockOven= Which should delete the oven from you world the next time you load it, (Thanks to Kr0nZ) Fix 2: you will have to open up your map in mcedit and remove the block manually. Issue: Server/Client crashes when you joins a server/load the world ( StructureStart issue) Cause: Depends on the error log. (Check the how to read an error log tutorial down here)This one is for the following issue: at at Fix 1: Update the game to version 1.0.12a If you have done that, And the issue is still there or started there, go tough the following steps: Shut off server/game. go to the world save folder. Go into the data folder. Delete BOPVillage.dat and villages.dat. Issue still there? Try Fix 2. Fix 2: >Check the post here below (#4) (Thanks to kalbintion) Issue: Says it is missing microblocks Cause: Version mismatch between client and server Fix: Find out what version of the modpack the server is running and set the client to it. (Thanks to kalbintion) Issue: Minimap losing textures Cause: went into cave mode Fix: press ; (semi-colon) in-game (Thanks to kalbintion) Issue: Hunger Bar randomly depletes very quickly Cause: Unknown Fix: Relog (Generally fixes the issue 99% of the time) (Thanks to kalbintion) Issue: Saves worlds disappearing. Cause: unknown? Fix: Back-up the world save folder from .technicmodpacksattack-of-the-bteamsaves Create a new world with the exact same name, it may not start you off in a familiar areaIf it does not - go to where your base would be, if it isn't there, continue to follow instructionsCopy the level.dat from the newly generated world, most likely under the world save name followed by a hyphen under the saves folder mentioned previously, into the old worlds folder. Note: Having two worlds with the exact same name can be a bit confusing, ensure you load into the correct world if two now appear with the same nameNote: Doing these instructions without providing the same world seed will cause chunks to no longer properly line-up (Thanks to kalbintion) Issue: Mapwiter file corrupt (see >this to see if you have that error). Cause: unknown. Fix: Go to the location of the mapwriter you find in the error log. and delete the file (make a backup) and let it regenerate by the client. Be aware: There are 2 different locations where the file can be Version 1: C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/attack-of-the-bteam/saves/mapwriter_sp_worlds/<worldname>/mapwriter.cfg:1' Version 2: C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/attack-of-the-bteam/saves/mapwriter_mp_worlds/<worldname>/mapwriter.cfg:1' Issue: Game wont load up. Cause: unknown. Fix: Start your technic launcher, select Attack of the b-team mod, and go to settings. Press "open folder", go to "mods", delete all "project red" files, install the latest build of project red (32 i think) from here and pop all the .jar files into the "mods" folder! (Thanks to: f1n1ay) Edited May 5, 2015 by Munaus edited Arriej's tracker link to correct location Loader, Munaus, Kalbintion and 1 other 4
arriej Posted February 24, 2014 Author Posted February 24, 2014 (edited) How to read an error log (mapwriter issue) So here is a example of an mapwriter error log. the most important part (for us as users) is this case is the beginning of the error log It should look something like the following: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // This is a token for 1 free hug. Redeem at your nearest Mojangsta: [~~HUG~~] Time: 2/22/14 6:23 PM Description: Unexpected error java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown character ' ' in 'C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/attack-of-the-bteam/saves/mapwriter_sp_worlds/<worldname>/mapwriter.cfg:1' at net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration.load( at net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration.<init>( at net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration.<init>( at mapwriter.forge.MwConfig.<init>( at mapwriter.Mw.loadWorldConfig( at mapwriter.Mw.onClientLoggedIn( at mapwriter.forge.MwConnectionHandler.clientLoggedIn( at at at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.NetClientHandler.func_72455_a( at at at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( As you see here its the first line of the error log that tells you what and where it is: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown character ' ' in 'C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/attack-of-the-bteam/saves/mapwriter_sp_worlds/<worldname>/mapwriter.cfg:1' Also note that the location of this file can be different than the location shown here. There are multiple mapwriter configs. Edited April 14, 2014 by arriej tvec 1
arriej Posted February 24, 2014 Author Posted February 24, 2014 How to read an error log (Most cases with incompatible/crashing blocks) Here is an example of a oven that is crashing the server the most important part (for us as users) is this case is the beginning of the error log It should look something like the following: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // There are four lights! Time: 9/02/14 2:20 PM Description: Ticking tile entity java.lang.NullPointerException at at at at at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( at at As you see here these 2 lines show the block name that's causing the crash: at at its the oven from the mod "mrcrayfish furniture mod". If you want to find the location of the items you need to go down in the error log -- Tile entity being ticked -- Details: Name: cfmOven // Block type: ID #854 (tile.quartzblock_bottom // Block data value: 1 / 0x1 / 0b0001 Block location: World: (541,105,-286), Chunk: (at 13,6,2 in 33,-18; contains blocks 528,0,-288 to 543,255,-273), Region: (1,-1; contains chunks 32,-32 to 63,-1, blocks 512,0,-512 to 1023,255,-1) Actual block type: ID #854 (tile.quartzblock_bottom // Actual block data value: 1 / 0x1 / 0b0001 Stacktrace: at at As you see here there is this line: Block location: World: (541,105,-286)
arriej Posted February 24, 2014 Author Posted February 24, 2014 (edited) The fix for MapGenStructure issue. The fist bit of the error log will look like this: java.lang.NullPointerException at at This fix for this issue is not easy but here is the posts of loader and kalbintion combined.(source: if you have this problem (structure generation/entity placement in certain chunks causing weird lag and crashes) try; Remove the bad chunk(s) using MCEdit Let your server regenerate them (may be fixed now). If it's still misbehaving, remove the bad chunks again. Shut down the server, copy the server files to your local singleplayer directory. Run the server's world in singleplayer, get it to generate those chunks . Copy the singleplayer version back onto the server, start the server. That process should fix it at some point for most people. Only do these instructions if the region replace fix (mentioned above) failed for you, as this method makes that portion of the world unplayable. if you visit the coordinates you were at, or within 150 blocks of, the issue will show up again. Effectively making that portion of the world unplayable until a more permanent solution or easier solution can be found (if one exists). Go download "NBTExplorer" Run it Open one of the following files: On Server: world_name/players/player_name.dat On SSP: world_name/level.dat In the SSP level.dat file you will need to expand (click on the +) the "Player" group, then follow below instructions like normal. Expand the Pos NBT group (+ sign next to it) Change your X, Y, and Z to some other location away from the crash. Setting this back to spawn or your base is best bet. Press CTRL+S (to save, shortcut may be different for systems other than windows) Load the world and make sure your changes are in effect, if you have issues with this, let me know on your specific issue thread so I can further give instructions. Edited May 31, 2014 by arriej _woof 1
arriej Posted February 24, 2014 Author Posted February 24, 2014 (edited) Here you will find the know problems of the modpack builds. If you have a new know problem/error you can send me a pm and i will add it to the list! Game version 1.0.13c Known problem: Incompatible blocks Archimede's Ships Information: NOTE: This issue exists throughout all the mod pack versions! Just an update about this list, since 1.0.13c removed the ability to use carpenter blocks to be a direct part of the archimedes ship, the carpenter blocks will no longer cause the game to crash, however this issue is still present in pre-1.0.13c modpack versions Archimede's Ships Bad Block List This list is not complete, any blocks not listed in this list may be usable but use at your own risk. If the block does anything more than sit there and do nothing such as Dirt, Cobblestone, etc, it may not interact properly with this mod. This list contains subjective values for certain issues, you may not agree with the values for certain blocks. This isn't the point of this list, it is to inform of the issue and offer an idea if it will be used at all or not. Rating Values 1 - Minor issues, but otherwise useable 2 - Some issues, not useable without major purpose. 3 - Major issues, avoid at all costs Rating - Block Name/Group - Issue 3 - Better Storage Backpacks - Destroys ship, may induce crash 3 - Carpenter Blocks - Causes crash 3 - Conduits - Disappear when used 3 - Project Red Lamps - Disappear when used, except block forms (base id 1928) 3 - Project Red Gates - Disappear when used 2 - Reinforced Chests - Does not store contents 2 - Microblocks - Does not stay with ship, will permit other blocks to connect to ship that are attached to microblocks 2 - Witchery Altar - Loses tile information, needs to be broken and replaced to get to work again 2 - Necromancy Altar - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled, causes ghosting blocks, will overwrite blocks if altar is broken 1 - Machines - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Shelves - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Cases - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Tool Rack - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Table - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Seats - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Labels - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Map Frames - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Crafting Table - Takes gray texture if block is cheated in 1 - Big Button - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Donation Station - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - OpenBlocks Block Breaker - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - OpenBlocks Block Place - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Item Cannon - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Canvas - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - OpenBlocks Fan - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - OpenBlocks Flag - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Grave - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Building Guide - Does not show grid while in transit 1 - Jaded Ladder - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Rope Ladder - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Trophy - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Paint Mixer - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Sprinkler - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Target - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Village Highlighter - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - XP Bottler - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - XP Drain - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - XP Shower - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Alluring Skull - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled Game version 1.0.12a Known problem: Incompatible blocks Archimede's Ships Information: NOTE: This issue exists throughout all the mod pack versions!Archimede's Ships Bad Block List This list is not complete, any blocks not listed in this list may be usable but use at your own risk. If the block does anything more than sit there and do nothing such as Dirt, Cobblestone, etc, it may not interact properly with this mod. Rating Values 1 - Minor issues, but otherwise useable 2 - Some issues, not useable without major purpose. 3 - Major issues, avoid at all costs Rating - Block Name/Group - Issue 3 - Better Storage Backpacks - Destroys ship, may induce crash 3 - Carpenter Blocks - Causes crash 3 - Conduits - Disappear when used 3 - Project Red Lamps - Disappear when used, except block forms (base id 1928) 3 - Project Red Gates - Disappear when used 2 - Reinforced Chests - Does not store contents 2 - Microblocks - Does not stay with ship, will permit other blocks to connect to ship that are attached to microblocks 2 - Altar - Loses tile information, needs to be broken and replaced to get to work again 1 - Machines - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Shelves - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Cases - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Tool Rack - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Table - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Seats - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Labels - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Map Frames - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Crafting Table - Takes gray texture if block is cheated in 1 - Big Button - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Donation Station - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - OpenBlocks Block Breaker - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - OpenBlocks Block Place - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Item Cannon - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Canvas - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - OpenBlocks Fan - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - OpenBlocks Flag - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Grave - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Building Guide - Does not show grid while in transit 1 - Jaded Ladder - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Rope Ladder - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Trophy - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Paint Mixer - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Sprinkler - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Target - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Village Highlighter - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - XP Bottler - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - XP Drain - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - XP Shower - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled 1 - Alluring Skull - Does not rotate w/ ship when reassembled Game version 1.0.10b Please note that this version is no longer supported! known problems incoming! known problems incoming! known problems incoming! known problems incoming! known problems incoming! Edited August 20, 2014 by arriej
Discord Moderator plowmanplow Posted February 24, 2014 Discord Moderator Posted February 24, 2014 In your first error log example with Mapwriter it might make sense to suggest that one can simply delete that mapwriter.cfg file and it will get re-downloaded the next time you connect to that server. Not sure why it gets corrupted, but this is a simple fix.
arriej Posted February 24, 2014 Author Posted February 24, 2014 In your first error log example with Mapwriter it might make sense to suggest that one can simply delete that mapwriter.cfg file and it will get re-downloaded the next time you connect to that server. Not sure why it gets corrupted, but this is a simple fix. Indeed. As you see with the crash on mojang screen the suggestion is there to delete the mapwriter file and let it redownload. I will make a special issue for the corrupt file.
nMetrics Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 First off, thank you very much for making this post in the first place, it's already been very helpful! But obviously I have a problem or I wouldn't be replying. I have an issue with a block, particularly the DNA Breeder from ADV. Genetics. I did what you said and changed the Block ID to nothing but when I opened Minecraft I got a block ID conflict. When I looked into it turns out for some reason the DNA Breeder was automatically given the ID of 1004 which was conflicting with the Scent Burner from Necromancy. As a temporary workaround I've changed the ID of THAT block to 423. Just in case it's helpful I've attached the error log and ID conflict log. Thanks again for the very helpful post ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // I let you down. Sorry Time: 3/4/14 6:29 PM Description: Ticking tile entity java.lang.NullPointerException at com.advGenetics.TileEntity.TileEntityDNABreeder.func_70316_g( at at at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p( at at A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head -- Stacktrace: at com.advGenetics.TileEntity.TileEntityDNABreeder.func_70316_g( -- Tile entity being ticked -- Details: Name: tileentitydnabreeder // com.advGenetics.TileEntity.TileEntityDNABreeder Block type: ID #715 (tile.dnaBreeder // com.advGenetics.Blocks.BlockDNABreeder) Block data value: 2 / 0x2 / 0b0010 Block location: World: (130,63,680), Chunk: (at 2,3,8 in 8,42; contains blocks 128,0,672 to 143,255,687), Region: (0,1; contains chunks 0,32 to 31,63, blocks 0,0,512 to 511,255,1023) Actual block type: ID #715 (tile.dnaBreeder // com.advGenetics.Blocks.BlockDNABreeder) Actual block data value: 2 / 0x2 / 0b0010 Stacktrace: at at #Blocks 1004: dnaBreeder from advancedgenetics - Scent Burner from necromancy Suggested Ranges: 2628-4095 (1468 IDs), 2292-2626 (335 IDs), 422-565 (144 IDs) arriej 1
arriej Posted March 5, 2014 Author Posted March 5, 2014 hey, Thanks! So yeah as you said it is indeed the dna breeder, And since the changing id's is not working. I would restore that back to how it was and then use the seccond fix Fix 2: you will have to open up your map in mcedit and remove the block manually. So here you can get mcedit, If its not working out for you i am willing to help you out. Add me on skype if needed (Its on my profile)
skylikestrains Posted March 7, 2014 Posted March 7, 2014 (edited) my game crashing and I am trying every I try to join a server Edited March 7, 2014 by skylikestrains
arriej Posted March 7, 2014 Author Posted March 7, 2014 my game crashing and I am trying every I try to join a server Are there any error logs? If so post it.
arriej Posted March 7, 2014 Author Posted March 7, 2014 It wont let me post my log you need to paste it in pastebin or
arriej Posted March 7, 2014 Author Posted March 7, 2014 it says my post is too long only copy over that last bit. the error. The start of the error starts like this: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----// There are four lights! Time: 9/02/14 2:20 PM Description: Ticking tile entity java.lang.NullPointerException at at at
tucanman Posted March 7, 2014 Posted March 7, 2014 2014-03-07 11:01:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-03-07 11:01:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-03-07 11:01:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-03-07 11:01:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-03-07 11:01:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-03-07 11:01:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-03-07 11:01:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( Is this correct?
tucanman Posted March 7, 2014 Posted March 7, 2014 Sorry if this was not what you were looking for. I'm not sure where to find the error log.
Loader Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 Try this pastebin instead; It allows larger files. The bit that's most useful (though often lots of it is useful) is the bit arriej posted as an example, right after the --- Minecraft Crash Report --- line. If you post the whole thing there though it won't matter, we can check it all. arriej 1
1SigTyr! Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 Not sure if I got the correct info out of the logs but. Is this a Galacticraft error? Or a MapWriter error? [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:37 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:37 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Unregistered Dimension: -28 [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:37 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:37 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Unregistered Dimension: -29 [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:37 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:37 [iNFO] [MapWriter] connection closed [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:37 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:37 [iNFO] [MapWriter] waiting for 289 tasks to finish... [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:38 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:38 [sEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Reached end of stream for / [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:40 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:40 [iNFO] [MapWriter] done [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] Stopping! [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] SoundSystem shutting down... [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] Author: Paul Lamb, [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------ [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting.... [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 431 [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------ [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters --------- [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] Analytics Response [runLauncher]: 200 [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:45 [iNFO] {"accessToken":"909fb1b1e08544a4b93bcbae9208d1ec","clientToken":"8f16d1ca-bfd0-4888-8f4e-e5c4086be868","selectedProfile":{"id":"b50c6353b5464c34978bfa085ddf52c9","name":"1SigTyr1"}} [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:45 [iNFO] Launcher took: 3463ms to start [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:45 [iNFO] Pack: tekkitmain Image Download Worker Calculated MD5: 2f9625f8343cd1aaa35d3dd631ad64e1 Required MD5: 175523449f470a05bf4a32dfa3c48b0c [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:45 [iNFO] Starting download of
hierisfreek Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 Hi idk if i may post it here but it is a problem that is bugging me a lot and i cant find why it is doing this. I have my own little hamachi server to play on with my friends. and there is one thing that bugs me really bad. LXP and open blocks wont work together. 1.the autoenchanter wont suckup XP from the openblock tanks 2.the openblock XP drain doesnt work right klicking i dont get my XP back from the tank. it is on the latest version how can i fix this? pls help? regards hierisfreek
tucanman Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 Sorry I meant I don't know where to find the file the error log is in.
arriej Posted March 10, 2014 Author Posted March 10, 2014 Not sure if I got the correct info out of the logs but. Is this a Galacticraft error? Or a MapWriter error? [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:37 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:37 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Unregistered Dimension: -28 [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:37 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:37 [iNFO] [Galacticraft] Unregistered Dimension: -29 [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:37 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:37 [iNFO] [MapWriter] connection closed [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:37 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:37 [iNFO] [MapWriter] waiting for 289 tasks to finish... [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:38 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:38 [sEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Reached end of stream for / [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:40 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:40 [iNFO] [MapWriter] done [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Client] Stopping! [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] SoundSystem shutting down... [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] Author: Paul Lamb, [b#431] 2014/03/09 00:04:42 [iNFO] 2014-03-09 00:04:42 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] ------------------------------------------ [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] Technic Launcher is starting.... [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] Launcher Build: 431 [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] ------------ Startup Parameters ------------ [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] --------- End of Startup Parameters --------- [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:42 [iNFO] Analytics Response [runLauncher]: 200 [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:45 [iNFO] {"accessToken":"909fb1b1e08544a4b93bcbae9208d1ec","clientToken":"8f16d1ca-bfd0-4888-8f4e-e5c4086be868","selectedProfile":{"id":"b50c6353b5464c34978bfa085ddf52c9","name":"1SigTyr1"}} [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:45 [iNFO] Launcher took: 3463ms to start [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:45 [iNFO] Pack: tekkitmain Image Download Worker Calculated MD5: 2f9625f8343cd1aaa35d3dd631ad64e1 Required MD5: 175523449f470a05bf4a32dfa3c48b0c [b#431] 2014/03/09 11:38:45 [iNFO] Starting download of Try resetting your mod pack. Hi idk if i may post it here but it is a problem that is bugging me a lot and i cant find why it is doing this. I have my own little hamachi server to play on with my friends. and there is one thing that bugs me really bad. LXP and open blocks wont work together. 1.the autoenchanter wont suckup XP from the openblock tanks 2.the openblock XP drain doesnt work right klicking i dont get my XP back from the tank. it is on the latest version how can i fix this? pls help? regards hierisfreek I think this is good to post here Sorry I meant I don't know where to find the file the error log is in. You can find your error logs here:C:Users<user>AppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksattack-of-the-bteamcrash-reports Get the most recent one.
tucanman Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 Sorry what I meant was which folder can the error be found?
arriej Posted March 11, 2014 Author Posted March 11, 2014 Sorry what I meant was which folder can the error be found? What part did you not understand about this: You can find your error logs here:C:Users<user>AppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksattack-of-the-bteamcrash-reports Get the most recent one. Kalbintion 1
tucanman Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 There is no crash report folder when i look through attack-of-the-bteam
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