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Let's test Tekkit 1.1.5 (RC)!


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I've been running 1.1.5 for a while, seems super stable. I suspect most of the issues stem from trying to use other administrative functions such as MCPC+ and BukkitForge.

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Has anybody had problems migrating an existing world from 1.0.6 to 1.1.5?

Mine did not go well. I can handle all the BlockID changes due to the Mystcraft update, but I also get a fatal error with the following:

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----

// Don't be sad, have a hug! <3

Time: 7/3/13 9:18 PM

Description: Ticking tile entity


at mods.immibis.core.porting.ClientProxy142.isOp(ClientProxy142.java:78)

at mods.immibis.chunkloader.DimensionalAnchors.getMaxQuota(DimensionalAnchors.java:443)

at mods.immibis.chunkloader.TileChunkLoader.limitRadius(TileChunkLoader.java:224)

at mods.immibis.chunkloader.TileChunkLoader.setActive(TileChunkLoader.java:44)

at mods.immibis.chunkloader.TileChunkLoader.func_70316_g(TileChunkLoader.java:92)

at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:2202)

at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:546)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:654)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:573)

at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:127)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:470)

at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573)

Really just wondering if it's worth trying to update an existing world or to start again.

EDIT: I managed to update the world by rolling it back to 1.0.6 and removing the Dimensional Anchors before updating. Placing them again in the 1.1.5 world went without a hitch.

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Hey there, I'm playing on a server since two weeks, it's 1.1.5, without Dimensional Doors and MystCraft, and I can say we don't have any problem. No crashes, no bugs as far as I know. I discovered open peripheral with this update, it's just awesome, the problem is that you can't use the glasses right, because the API is not really working in the 0.1.5 version of the mod. It's been fixed in the 0.1.9 versions, still for 1.5.2, and it works fine.

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I loaded 1.1.5 and after some issues, from my first time to manually update a server I'm sure, I got it working.

Only issues I've seen and not sure if I just messed something up or what, is that Mystcraft I am unable to craft or even view recipes to create the linking books. Also, when I move between Myst ages, I seems to fall through the world for a few seconds before everything syncs up? One last thing, all my platforms in my Myst ages seem to spawn 40-50 above ground.

Otherwise, the Uranininte Ore spawning was the only issue I've had to fix so far, thanks to the posters on the first page editing the config files.

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If I'm not mistaken I believe the recipe for link books was changed I'm not sure what it was changed to tho maybe check the wiki

As to the falling through floors it seems to be a common problem I have the same on our server though after I switched to mcmyadmin it did get a little better not sure why though

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Okay, I am completely missing something here... I can't power any of my Atomic Science equipment with Energy Conduits? and I can't charge any of the Batteries for them in the Infuser...

All the stuff on the web I've been able to find are for Voltz version and versions with Batboxes and Charging tables in them.

Edit: Got it, orientation matters with these!

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you make an ink mixer, then pull link panels from it, you then go to the book binder and make a unlinked linking book from a single link panel, also all age books should now start with a linking panel. Mystcraft is now slightly harder but now also slightly more logical, if the damn ink mixer didn't take a whole bottle of ink for each linking panel....

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Ahh, thanks Toki, I couldn't find anything on the web explaining that! Also, I think now you can make ink buckets?


Can use water buckets to make ink instead.


Actually you combine the page with leather on the crafting grid, not in the book binder for the Unlinked book.

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Okay, guys, if you've downloaded the 1.1.5 server before seeing this post, you might want to go into your server's config/cofh/World.cfg and make sure retroactive ore gen is set to true. I've fixed it in the live server, but the originally-uploaded one had it set to false. :\

Things fixed in this RC:

- MPS's glow is now set to OFF by default. You can reactivate it in the config. This was causing FPS issues for some.

- The Forge transparency fix has been removed- it was taking up a few hundred megs of RAM which isn't a lot for some of us, but for people who play with the default memory settings, it's problematic.

- A brand new version of MCPC+ went live this afternoon that is confirmed to fix the galacticraft dupe bug. I highly recommend you use that if you use MCPC+.

I believe these are posts he was referring to

Well, in AtomicScience.cfg there's a setting called

B:"Generate Uranium Ore"

that is initially set to false. I turned it on and uraninite started spawning in new worlds (haven't tried old ones).

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yup, thanks karaktar, was on my tablet and too lazy to go look for them!

well i was on my phone even worse then a tablet and i still had the gumption to go get em geez

whats the world coming too when we got to work together to make shit happen unbelievable

EDIT: just reread that i wondered/hoped you knew i wasn't serious

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Is it normal for uraninite to be sooooo Rare??? I've had 5 of 64*64 quarries and i only have 62 pieces of ore and most of it is from me just going nuts on caves (night-vision FTW)..... or is it just my terrible luck? also, anyone knows how much uraninite takes to run a reactor?

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