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[1.1.8]Resilience Freebuild Server[24/7][Graylist][PvE][Survival][20 slots][Mumble]


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I apologize again for the lack of activity/ delays in responses lately, I've had some more personal stuff going on as well as finals. Fortunately, my last final is tomorrow morning, so as soon as I'm done celebrating the end of the semester, I'll put some time aside to get some work done for the server. I'm going to redo the intro post for the server thread as well as add some new screenshots to the gallery. I'll also take a look at the whitelist, so if there's anyone that's still waiting on an application, please shoot me a PM so that I know to take a look at yours specifically.

I also want to give a personal thank you to Epyon and Garrett, you guys have done a stellar job keeping things running smoothly while I've been busy, and I really appreciate it :).

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Yes we are, we're just slow and behind on them at the moment. Sorry if it's taking so long (lots of applications); we ask that you be patient and we'll get to you! If you'd like to get on sooner, feel free to send me a PM here on the forums with a detailed/longer message and I'll look into it!

~Epy (Admin)

I'ts fine, just wondering because if the requests wern't being accepted then me waiting sould have been a waste.

thanks for the info matt

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Iv'e not been able to get on the server the past 2 days.

It's my end not any fault of the server.

I do have a connection but my ISP is upgrading the local exchange and It's taking 20 seconds or so just to get onto google.

The good news for me is it's supposed to be finished before the weekend, and I will then be getting double the speed I was on before for the same price :)

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Iv'e not been able to get on the server the past 2 days.

It's my end not any fault of the server.

I do have a connection but my ISP is upgrading the local exchange and It's taking 20 seconds or so just to get onto google.

The good news for me is it's supposed to be finished before the weekend, and I will then be getting double the speed I was on before for the same price :)

Ah... I was wondering why your shop was empty.

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Iv'e not been able to get on the server the past 2 days.

It's my end not any fault of the server.

I do have a connection but my ISP is upgrading the local exchange and It's taking 20 seconds or so just to get onto google.

The good news for me is it's supposed to be finished before the weekend, and I will then be getting double the speed I was on before for the same price :)

I wish my ISP would do that... Instead I'm now paying an extra 5 dollars a month and my connection keeps crapping out..

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Name: Hewhoismace

Age: 22

Location: Ohio, U.S.A.

Experience: I have a lot of normal MC experience, I've been nicknamed 'the dwarf' by my friends who play. I have a small bit of tekkit experience, and I want to build and learn more while playing with others who are willing to give advice.

Why do I want to play this server? Because I'm tired of trying out servers that have no whitelist, open pvp, no restrictions on what can be built.... Sure, I could play single player, but half the fun is gaming with others and -enjoying- a game, not running out of some confusing as hell spawn point and getting shot in the face three seconds later (Happens on 90% of servers). I have a friend who already plays on the server, and he recommended it as a place to learn with a decent community.

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  • In game name: Crackleworm
  • Age: 20
  • Location : chicago
  • Minecraft experience to date : i have about 4 months of tekkit experience? i lost track of how long it really is been, but im fairly new although im good with industrial and redpower sooo im still learning the other mods still.
  • Why do you want to play on our server? (You are NOT going to get whitelisted if you don't make me believe that you are willing to put a little time into your application and show that you actually care). : you stated on the forum that you want buildings that look nice and make the server look creative, I just wanna be able to build a mansion that has it all and can show off all my talents with little limitations against me. (I am not a guy who is gonna dick around with items to mess with others) I just wanna be able to play on this server learn some new things from other players and be able to say thats my house :)

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IGN: Pigsinblankets

reason: i would like to join because this server looks amazing and i have always wanted to go on a tekkit server that you can build what ever you want.

Age: 11, i know what you are thinking "11 years old, he is just going to hand out dm and rm to random people." but i assure you i wont do that.

Experience: about 1 year but got on it alot so im active most of the time.

I think i would be a great staff member because i am mature, and love helping people out.

Hope to see you on the server :)

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In game name: tyman386

Age: 14 years

Location: Oregon

Minecraft Experience To Date: i have been playing since 1.2.3 came out.

Why I'd Like To Join The Server: Because i have a great friend (darters700) there and we cant do LAN yet until the update and this is the only way for us to play on tekkit with eachother.

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Can't get on the server for more than 20 seconds at a time and i'm constantly lagging to the point that I can't interact with anything at all. My connection was just upgraded and I'm using a new, more powerful computer, so whatever is causing this is not on my end. Let me know if you find out anything.

Update: Managed to get on semi-stably a day or two after I posted this. We'll see how things progress and I'll holler if there's any further problems.

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Any chance I could get a temp' statue i made on my base moved out to the outskirts of town for the Xmas duration. It will be dismantled after.

It's quite tall but the footprint is only 8x4.

It's not quite finished. I am not happy with the hat and have yet to give it a scarf.

But I was hoping to blackmail talk Ana into helping me with the hat. I can't get it right.

Anyway I can't face making the the whole thing again so if it's possible to move that would be great. If not, I can deal with it ;)

(oh yeah, obv' it has an Xmas theme)

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  • In game name: FrostByte3
  • Age: 14
  • Location: Brooklyn
  • Minecraft experience to date: 2 Years, really good with redstone.
  • Why do you want to play on our server?: I really want to play on your server because i got banned on the other one i played on. BEFORE YOU DENY i was banned because the owner was a ass hole. So i was basically logging on after months cause of school and stuff and started working on my MFSU factory, cause i had built a hv solar array and overclocker factory why not build a mfsu to store all that awesomeness. I built the factories all legit. While im working on it the owner comes online says Hey and tp's to me. He then starts putting fire everywhere and puts nukes everywhere and blows up all of it. I swear to god on my grandmothers life i didnt do anything to upset anyone. I helped him with his server ranks and he then gave the credit to someone else. The server was SILLITEKKIT, its first on the whitelisted server list and it doesn't deserve to be. This server will hopefully be the tekkit server of my dreams. I promise it'll be big.

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v00 I will do it if you PM me the coordinates.


tbh anywhere is ok. It's prob a bit too tall to go in town. So anywhere on the outskirts is cool.

I would put it on top of my shop lol but I think that's a bit in too many peoples face hehe.

How about beside the spawn buildings ? That's out the way enough that's it's not blotting out the sun for people in town but close enough people can see it in distance if they are in market.

Also I don't want it too close as not everyone has a fondness for giant enderman bearing gifts. I assure everyone though he won't steal or grief. I can vouch for him.

Also, it will be gone after Xmas.

I will try and get it finished tomoz.

If anyones good with santa hats on an 8x8 head feel free to give it a shot. I am not happy with it yet. Take any wool needed from the 2 full diamond chests in my house if you feel creative ;)

So in short, as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone somewhere around the spawn building / farm ?

Thx garret.

ps: if any of you happen to really be Eloraam In disguise, I could do with micro lamp blocks. cheers.

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