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Let's test Tekkit 1.1.5 (RC)!


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I had to add a few lines to immibis-microblocks.cfg to get it to play nice with Thermal Expansion Liquiducts and Conduits as well as MineFactory Reloaded RedNet cable.

blockClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.BlockConduit

tileEntityClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.TileConduitEnergy

tileEntityClass: thermalexpansion.block.conduit.TileConduitLiquid


blockClass: powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.BlockRedNetCable

tileEntityClass: powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.rednet.TileEntityRedNetCable

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Okay, the lockup thing I'm mentioning has one other indicator. It'll 'lock' periodically for about a second or two prior to disconnecting, every few moments, each lock growing longer until it just -stops.- I'm getting... ninety seconds of play time, on average, before it crashes now.

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Okay, the lockup thing I'm mentioning has one other indicator. It'll 'lock' periodically for about a second or two prior to disconnecting, every few moments, each lock growing longer until it just -stops.- I'm getting... ninety seconds of play time, on average, before it crashes now.

Have you tried increasing the amount of RAM Techniclauncher uses? What about checking the permgen box?

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MFFS has just pushed to version

I have just updated to this on my server and have noticed considerably less lag with forcefields than I was getting in the 1.1.5 tekkit build. Just a heads up might be worth updating ^^

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Have you tried increasing the amount of RAM Techniclauncher uses? What about checking the permgen box?

Tested. That was it. Thanks. x.x God I feel like an idiot.

Question- is there a tutorial somewhere to using oxygen sealers and such to make a base that doesn't hurt you every time you turn a door on or off?

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in the config of a server file or client file of galacticraft i believe there is a list of blocks that will act as sealers, for example cobble stone is logged into the config and you make a hollow cube of cobble stone and turn on the sealer inside. That's what i've gotten from it, as i have not been able to get it to work myself :L

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in the config of a server file or client file of galacticraft i believe there is a list of blocks that will act as sealers, for example cobble stone is logged into the config and you make a hollow cube of cobble stone and turn on the sealer inside. That's what i've gotten from it, as i have not been able to get it to work myself :L

Oh no, I got it to where I can seal the room fine! The catch comes when I want to go from, say, my pressurized room to my pressurized hallway. The activation takes a few seconds between 'open' and 'closed,' and I lose between 1 and 3 hearts somehow... I was wondering if anyone had made a guide about how to avoid that part, if that's a bug, or if that's intended somehow.

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in the config of a server file or client file of galacticraft i believe there is a list of blocks that will act as sealers, for example cobble stone is logged into the config and you make a hollow cube of cobble stone and turn on the sealer inside. That's what i've gotten from it, as i have not been able to get it to work myself :L

Oh no, I got it to where I can seal the room fine! The catch comes when I want to go from, say, my pressurized room to my pressurized hallway. The activation takes a few seconds between 'open' and 'closed,' and I lose between 1 and 3 hearts somehow... I was wondering if anyone had made a guide about how to avoid that part, if that's a bug, or if that's intended somehow.

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ohhh that's something to think about, i'm guessing that's a bug though, a bubble distributor might fix it?

Btw i reduced more server lag by turning off custom-world gen in the cofh config

Yeah, a bubble-generator'd fix it, but it'd also be a lot harder for me to map to rooms. :(

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Oh no, I got it to where I can seal the room fine! The catch comes when I want to go from, say, my pressurized room to my pressurized hallway. The activation takes a few seconds between 'open' and 'closed,' and I lose between 1 and 3 hearts somehow... I was wondering if anyone had made a guide about how to avoid that part, if that's a bug, or if that's intended somehow.

yeah i have noticed the same thing i think it has to do with the sealers and how they work by calc the enclosed space when ever it changes they reset and start sealing again i was thinking of putting a sealer inside the airlock but somehow i doubt that will fix it i think we just have to wait till they get it figured

still at least they work now which is better then nothing

has anyone figured out what the oxygen detector is and how it works

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Found a new dupe bug.

Placing a DSU filled with an item, emptying it with ME import buses, breaking it, and then replacing it restores the DSU with all items that were in it before unloading them.

I have not tested with non-ME methods.

Minor bug:

Entering an R into the ME preformatter causes the naming string to reset. If your fast you can press r and format quickly and still name things with an r.

Minor bug, just annoying, lol

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any progress so far on Uranium? Retroactive Generation does not work with uranium for me. It is turned on globally and for uraninite in world.cfg and worldcustom aswell. If I turn on generation in atomic science.cfg it spawns in newly generated chunks, but with the wrong spawning behaviour: Clustersize seems to be single block and 1 cluster per chunk (tested 8 chunks got 6 uraninite) Single block cluster have been observed by me by exploring myself in fresh chunks.

Also or more important: I cant use that uraninite. It's in the ore dictionary and thats it. No other recipes! So maybe it had a good reason why generation was set to false in atomic science.cfg, but how am I supposed to fix retroactive generation of the "right" uraninite...

Would love to start with that mod :)

P.S.: I also got that annoying "r"-bug with the preformatter

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Tried it with uranite in chemical extractor and add water ? it has a different processing part to make uranium pellets.. no recipes, but if you check the mod spotlight it should shed some light on it and how to do it.

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Minor bug:

Entering an R into the ME preformatter causes the naming string to reset. If your fast you can press r and format quickly and still name things with an r.

Minor bug, just annoying, lol

This is caused by the Inventory Tweaks mod, the 'R' key is the default sort key. You can turn off that mod or change the hotkey and it shouldn't mess with the Preformatter. Open inventory, press the ellipses button (…) (hint, it mouses over and reads "Inventory Settings") and change the sort key to something else, or turn shortcuts off. Side note, before I figured that out I was spelling anything that needed an "R" in the Preformatter with "|2". 1337speek FTW, mutha fucka.

I just noticed that NEI uses the 'R' key as well to display recipes, not sure if you'd need to change that as well. To be honest, the hotkeys overlapping has always bugged me ever since Tekkit Classic, although I'm not sure there are enough keys on the keyboard to actually map every single function that every single mod adds and maps to a hotkey.

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any progress so far on Uranium? Retroactive Generation does not work with uranium for me. It is turned on globally and for uraninite in world.cfg and worldcustom aswell.

Same problem for me, I have had 2 quarries running after the regen, but no uranium (or uranite ) found.

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This is caused by the Inventory Tweaks mod, the 'R' key is the default sort key. You can turn off that mod or change the hotkey and it shouldn't mess with the Preformatter. Open inventory, press the ellipses button (…) (hint, it mouses over and reads "Inventory Settings") and change the sort key to something else, or turn shortcuts off. Side note, before I figured that out I was spelling anything that needed an "R" in the Preformatter with "|2". 1337speek FTW, mutha fucka.

I just noticed that NEI uses the 'R' key as well to display recipes, not sure if you'd need to change that as well. To be honest, the hotkeys overlapping has always bugged me ever since Tekkit Classic, although I'm not sure there are enough keys on the keyboard to actually map every single function that every single mod adds and maps to a hotkey.

Ah well that would explain that then. Thanks!

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When i tried to lauch a craft via the ME Crafting mega-block, it just do nothing. My order is showing into the crafting terminal, there's no missing items.

Not enough information here, how is your mac set up, what are your trying to craft, does it blend these questions and more are relevant to your case and should be answer to receive one.

King Etzel : pretty sure it is supposed to be that rare, being you know a rare earth element and all that shit, I've never found more than 1 or 2 a chunk either. was the same with uranium in IC2.

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I loaded Tekkit_Server_1.1.5 and after that I load up Minecraft 1.5.2.

When I go to Multiplayer and select A Tekkit Server and press "Join Server" it gives me the message:

Disconnected by Server

You don't have FML installed, you cannot connect to this server

So, I stop, and I install FML into minecraft.jar and run it again.

I get the following message:

Forge Mod Loader could not connect to this server

The mods and versions listed below could not be found

They are required to play on this server

A list of all the mods contained in the Tekkit_Server_1.1.5

Can someone tell what I am doing wrong?

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I loaded Tekkit_Server_1.1.5 and after that I load up Minecraft 1.5.2.

When I go to Multiplayer and select A Tekkit Server and press "Join Server" it gives me the message:

Disconnected by Server

You don't have FML installed, you cannot connect to this server

So, I stop, and I install FML into minecraft.jar and run it again.

I get the following message:

Forge Mod Loader could not connect to this server

The mods and versions listed below could not be found

They are required to play on this server

A list of all the mods contained in the Tekkit_Server_1.1.5

Can someone tell what I am doing wrong?

Um, everything?

Launch the Tekkit modpack from TechnicLauncher(.jar/.exe, depending on your platform).


Select the Tekkit Modpack, press the gear icon underneath it, change to manually select a build then select 1.1.5.

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