Moderators Munaus Posted August 6, 2015 Moderators Posted August 6, 2015 Siege weapons! coming soon... Bonerlord! Kocken926 1 Quote
Kocken926 Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Siege weapons! coming soon... Bonerlord! What? They're making a new one? One where I won't have 80% of my troops running up and down the siege tower before it's docked? WHEN Quote
Moderators Munaus Posted August 7, 2015 Moderators Posted August 7, 2015 who knows... this is the first proper gameplay trailer they have shown since they teased this game 2 years ago. there is a interview here by one of Taleworlds staff. if you know turkish then please translate what they are saying I wished they dropped the board mini-game. the thought of having something else besides combat is nice, but it is a wasted time and effort if the only side-activity is a board game. I played a board game in Assassins creed: caribbean, sucked horribly at it and lost. never played it again. Quote
holymage! Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Soo windows 10 has been out awhile.....anyone have horror/"surgar spice and everything nice" stories? Quote
Neowulf Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Still trying to get my wife's computer fixed up to the point I can get the upgrade software to run. Bad memory when I set hers up but she didn't tell me it was crashing daily till two months later. Whole subsystems are completely borked. Probably going to have to reinstall from scratch. Quote
TheBytemaster Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 (edited) I decided to give it a go a while ago when I learned how easy they made it to revert. So far it's not *amazing*, but it's not terrible either. The dongle I bought to use with wireless Xbox 360 controllers doesn't work currently, but I suspect a driver re-install will fix that. If you don't like the data collection that MS is doing, in addition to tuning all the privacy-related settings, you can add these entries to your hosts file to curb it. (The file is found in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Remember to remove the read-only attribute before you try to edit it.) And yes, these will probably break Cortana, but if you were going to go as far as editing your hosts file, you probably weren't going to use her anyways. I haven't had any issues after adding these, but your milage may vary, I am not responsable, blah blah blah, etc. # Windows 10 data collection disabling entries compatexchange.cloudapp.net0.0.0.0 cs1.wpc.v0cdn.net0.0.0.0 a-0001.a-msedge.net0.0.0.0 pre.footprintpredict.com0.0.0.0 EDIT: This hidden dark theme tweak is also nice, makes it a little easier on the eyes. Edited August 10, 2015 by TheBytemaster Lethosos and Mooseman9 2 Quote
dwwojcik Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 I don't really see what the problem is with this "spying" data collection/telemetry. I don't delude myself into thinking I'm important enough for someone to want to look at my files. Overall I'm liking Windows 10, I'm a fan of Edge and the visual changes. I've had only one hiccup with the audio drivers on my laptop, which pretty much solved itself. I didn't even have to reinstall my GPU driver on my desktop. Quote
holymage! Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 i would try out windows 10...but i'm way to other news this pilot knows xcom to well Quote
TheBytemaster Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 (edited) I don't really see what the problem is with this "spying" data collection/telemetry. I don't delude myself into thinking I'm important enough for someone to want to look at my files. Overall I'm liking Windows 10, I'm a fan of Edge and the visual changes. I've had only one hiccup with the audio drivers on my laptop, which pretty much solved itself. I didn't even have to reinstall my GPU driver on my desktop. Ahem. <rant> Personally, the reason I detest "spying" and such is not because I'm particularly worried about the specific entities, for example, MS, NSA, Google, Etc, (Although I do wonder about the NSA sometimes), themselves doing anything bad to me with the data. Like you said, I'm not that important. It's because that data should not exist in the large databases and for the amounts of time that it does. If it exists on a computer, it's steal-able, and thus exploitable, potentially on a massive scale. Imagine what would/could happen if a malicious nation-state or even just some punk kid in <insert politically correct scapegoat nation here> got ahold of even a fragment of the phone metadata database. Or got into XKeyscore. Or found a list of every app, (and, by extension a list of vulnerabilities), installed on a few millions of peoples' phones. Or whatever other ubiquitous database/system that seems harmless at first but turns out to be devastating when you use it the right way. I'm not going to pretend that I somehow live without a smartphone, credit card, the internet, etc. But I'm not going to do nothing and be the low-hanging fruit either. </rant> Anyways, with all the fallout 4 hype, I'm surprised no-one posted this: Huh, it won't embed. Bizarre. Edited August 11, 2015 by TheBytemaster Kocken926 and Mooseman9 2 Quote
Moderators Munaus Posted August 11, 2015 Moderators Posted August 11, 2015 (edited) and now for M&B hype train! that interview in turkish I mentioned, someone on Taleworlds forum translated it and posted on reddit edit. should we make an M&B thread? any interest? double-edit. building improvements that are seemingly visible this time around. Edited August 11, 2015 by Munaus Quote
Kocken926 Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 and now for M&B hype train! that interview in turkish I mentioned, someone on Taleworlds forum translated it and posted on reddit edit. should we make an M&B thread? any interest? I'm interested at the very least. Don't know if there's much point before the game arrives though, a discussion around a single translated video might get a bit dull Quote
Moderators Munaus Posted August 11, 2015 Moderators Posted August 11, 2015 oh there's so much more... but it hardly seems worth it if you and I are the only ones hyped on this Quote
Neowulf Posted August 14, 2015 Posted August 14, 2015 WOO! Fallout Shelter for android! Kocken926 1 Quote
TheBytemaster Posted August 14, 2015 Posted August 14, 2015 Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets now please. Quote
Moderators Munaus Posted August 14, 2015 Moderators Posted August 14, 2015 WOO! Fallout Shelter for android! *click Rush mode* game *did you click Rush button? I didn't register the touch* *Click Rush* game *I still didn't register that touch* *CLICK RUSH* game *oh now you cl-... oh you double-tapped so we exited the Rush mode* FUCKS SAKE!! how the fuck can anyone enjoy touch games? Quote
Neowulf Posted August 14, 2015 Posted August 14, 2015 *click Rush mode* game *did you click Rush button? I didn't register the touch* *Click Rush* game *I still didn't register that touch* *CLICK RUSH* game *oh now you cl-... oh you double-tapped so we exited the Rush mode* FUCKS SAKE!! how the fuck can anyone enjoy touch games? 5"+ screen and/or working stylus, plus a processor capable of running it decently. Usually I avoid touch games but fallout shelter will help tide me over till november. Quote
Kocken926 Posted August 14, 2015 Posted August 14, 2015 WOO! Fallout Shelter for android! I got it for the familys Ipad, it crashes constantly. Have you tried it, and does it seem stable? Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets now please. Summon signs would be their best bet by far. People would log in and create properly leveled characters just to play with twitch. Not all bosses/areas are coop, though, so I think they will suffer far far more with relatively easy bosses than the ones that can have a summon. Or it gets so old that one day there's just a single dude controlling it who wins it all. Quote
Neowulf Posted August 14, 2015 Posted August 14, 2015 Working just fine on my alcatel pop icon (cheap 3g phone walmart sells for straight talk). I'm going to wipe my old droid 4 and see if it can run it. Quote
Moderators Munaus Posted August 14, 2015 Moderators Posted August 14, 2015 frustration on button pressing aside, this game is rather nice time-waster. It only requires your attention every minute when a resource (water, food, electricity) has been produced and your minions wait (in that room the resource was produced) until you press to gain that resource. There was one annoying pregnant lady that refused to be moved. I'm not sure if she was lazy or my finger pressing was twitching. She just sulked and walked around my vault, without doing anything... hint: think before you build rooms. Electricity is the most important. Without it, you can't produce food or water. So you will want to expand it to 3 rooms. Don't bother building a storage room anytime soon, you won't need it unless you won a shit-ton of gear from those lunchboxes Quote
Neowulf Posted August 14, 2015 Posted August 14, 2015 I caught the pregnant lady thing too. Just knocked up and I couldn't reassign her back to another room. But exiting out and starting the game back up fixed it. They did a real good job with this thing. They avoided all the nagging crap and paywalls, and still made a killing off it. $5mill in the first couple weeks of iOS only, and who knows how much the hardcore android users will dump into it to play catch up. Quote
Moderators Munaus Posted August 16, 2015 Moderators Posted August 16, 2015 another hard lesson learned from the wasteland: don't log out while having dwellers exploring out. They will keep travelling until they run out of stimpaks and die. took them 5 hours, though. Maybe a bit more and I wouldn't had to waste caps to revive them... Quote
TheBytemaster Posted August 18, 2015 Posted August 18, 2015 Question time. GTX 960 Vs. GTX 970 with the following constraints. Expected resolution for now is 1600x900, 1080p in the future. Assume a 20% hit in overall performance. (Because reasons.) The card will probably end up in an entirely new desktop rig in the future. I could stretch my budget and get a 970 if I reeeeally needed to, but if it's not going to do much good, I'd rather not. Any opinions? Quote
planetguy Posted August 18, 2015 Posted August 18, 2015 At that resolution you should probably be fine with either, but if you plan to keep it for a while the 970 might be worth the investment. The AMD r9 290 costs somewhere between the two (closer to the 960 when it goes on sale), and has only slightly performance output than the 970, so it might be worth considering too. Quote
dwwojcik Posted August 18, 2015 Posted August 18, 2015 Question time. GTX 960 Vs. GTX 970 with the following constraints. Expected resolution for now is 1600x900, 1080p in the future. Assume a 20% hit in overall performance. (Because reasons.) The card will probably end up in an entirely new desktop rig in the future. I could stretch my budget and get a 970 if I reeeeally needed to, but if it's not going to do much good, I'd rather not. Any opinions? The 380 is the clear winner over the 960 at your resolution, but Nvidia is a requirement because you're going to be using it as an external GPU for your laptop, correct? Although, the gap between a 960 and a 970 is pretty big. If you can get it, I'd go for the 970. Quote
TheBytemaster Posted August 18, 2015 Posted August 18, 2015 The 380 is the clear winner over the 960 at your resolution, but Nvidia is a requirement because you're going to be using it as an external GPU for your laptop, correct? Although, the gap between a 960 and a 970 is pretty big. If you can get it, I'd go for the 970. Technically, it's not a requirement, but with an Nvidia card, I can get apparently get something like 20-30% more oomph out of the limited bandwidth with their Optimus compression. If AMD had something similar, I'd get a 380 in a heartbeat. But yeah, at some point in the future, I'll probably end up building a desktop and slapping that in it. I can re-use 3/4 of the parts that will go into the eGPU in a desktop, and I can probably sell the last one for a reasonable amount. I think what I'll do is wait and see if I can get in on that Microcenter $230 GTX 980 crazyness if they do it again; failing that, I'll try and grab a 970 on a good sale come cyber monday. Or a 960 if there's a really good sale. Related: An amazingly perfect non-space jam remix for once. Lethosos 1 Quote
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