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[1.1.8]Resilience Freebuild Server[24/7][Graylist][PvE][Survival][20 slots][Mumble]


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The server is finally up on the new rig, I'll be setting up some stuff so I won't be on until later, but everything should be good to go for now. Also, if anyone is interested, I've been thinking about running either a FTB or Vanilla server alongside the Tekkit one on the new rig. Let me know if there's interest in it, and I'll start looking into it if there is.

I'd like to express my interest for an ftb part it does have things that the new tekkit doesn't have access to and i'd like to play you guys on there as well. Narziez also has an interest in it.

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FYI, I'm still looking for someone to help with making banners and header images for the main post. I might just give it a whack myself, but I'm pretty untalented from an artistic standpoint :P.

What is it you're looking for as a banner i should be able to help. Just give me the details and i'll make some examples.

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FYI, I'm still looking for someone to help with making banners and header images for the main post. I might just give it a whack myself, but I'm pretty untalented from an artistic standpoint :P.

Sorry i've been busy and i havent had the time to actually get on and take screenshots of the server. can you take some more so i can include them into the banners

I was thinking of making a collage of random builds around the server with the server name in the middle of it all. Maybe having the pictures a bit faded out. and red text with a core of yellow for the lettering. I do not have any programs any more for this. =P. If someone could maybe do a test of this that be great.

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Sorry i've been busy and i havent had the time to actually get on and take screenshots of the server. can you take some more so i can include them into the banners

Np, I forgot that you were one of the people that was working on them. I took some more a while back and uploaded them, I can take some more if need. Let me know if you want anything specific, too.

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Since I haven't really asked yet, does anyone have feedback as far as the server upgrade goes? It seemed like things were a lot smoother to me (tick rate, chunk loading, etc) and it definitely looked like the CPU usage is lower (or at least there's more headroom now), but some feedback from you guys would be very much appreciated.

Apologies for the double post, my phone is being goofy right now and won't let me edit my previous one.

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So far so good. Although there's a good amount of lag during back ups and we were experiencing some around 7PM EST.. I had to go to make dinner so couldn't follow up with it. I'll check it again when I log in again in a bit.

Aside from that I think the upgrade went well and is performing well.


Yeah the lag is still there, 2-3 second intermittent lag when interacting with anything I think it just needs to be restarted..

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The server is finally up on the new rig, I'll be setting up some stuff so I won't be on until later, but everything should be good to go for now. Also, if anyone is interested, I've been thinking about running either a FTB or Vanilla server alongside the Tekkit one on the new rig. Let me know if there's interest in it, and I'll start looking into it if there is.

May I suggest a Voltz server? I've been playing around with it on SSP and it's pretty interesting.

On a different note, I keep getting kicked from the server with the "End of stream" message.

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  • In game name: genovesa
  • Age: 15
  • Location: California
  • Are you currently banned from any servers? I was banned by an admin who was abusing their powers. It was a while ago, I'm not sure if that server's still running.
  • Minecraft experience to date: I've played vanilla Minecraft on and off for almost a year. I started playing Tekkit a few months ago, mostly on a small server with one or two friends.
  • A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server: This server seems friendly and well-organized, and I've been looking for a freebuild Tekkit server for a while now.

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  • IGN: Netherlord123
  • Age: 13
  • Location: NH, USA
  • Are you currently banned from any servers?: I am banned from one server because an admin gave me an item and said i stole it.
  • Minecraft experience to date: I've bean playing tekkit for 2-3 years
  • A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server: i have bean trying to find a good tekkit server for a wile. Every time i go onto a server i get griefed every 30 seconds, and there is allways abusive admins who kill everyone and teliport evryone into lava and off cliffs. There is also no room to build a house or factory because so many people go onto theis servers that the ground is a bunch of ranom blocks and nukes going off and stuff like that.

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  • In game name: randomgrenades2
  • Age: 16
  • Location: United States, FL
  • Are you currently banned from any servers? no
  • Minecraft experience to date: I started playing minecraft 11 months ago . I started playing tekkit 8 months ago
  • A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server: Im looking for a good friendly server, that I don't get greifed every time I blink and admins aren't abusive. I can never build to my full potential because their are always people that grief me :(. NOTE: I am a pro with photoshop, aftereffects and adobe premiere pro. I also have magic bullet installed

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All of the permissions should be fixed now (i.e new players should be able to use all of the basic commands, such as /home and /warp). I think I also managed to get all of the older players promoted to their proper ranks, but if you notice that I forgot you, feel free to let me, Garrett, or Tub know so that we can promote you to the proper rank.

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All of the permissions should be fixed now (i.e new players should be able to use all of the basic commands, such as /home and /warp). I think I also managed to get all of the older players promoted to their proper ranks, but if you notice that I forgot you, feel free to let me, Garrett, or Tub know so that we can promote you to the proper rank.

Hey ks can my son be whitelisted. His name is SoraLionheart. His age is 11 but he's very mature and quiet. He's more so to himself type player, he's new and starting out with minecraft. So he's never been on a server or anything. He'll only be on when I am on and i'll surely vouch for him he's a well behaved young'n.

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Hey ks can my son be whitelisted. His name is SoraLionheart. His age is 11 but he's very mature and quiet. He's more so to himself type player, he's new and starting out with minecraft. So he's never been on a server or anything. He'll only be on when I am on and i'll surely vouch for him he's a well behaved young'n.

I got your message in game, so I already added him :).

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I have been stricken with the Flu... Got to love nephews and public schools.. Anyway I'm gonna be resting for the next few days.. In between the vomiting and all that... I'll see y'all as soon as I can remain separated from my bathroom for extended periods...


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  • In game name-Precious_Lemons
  • Age 16
  • Location-Oklahoma, US
  • Are you currently banned from any servers? No
  • Minecraft experience to date-Since beta 1.1 And tekkit/Technic since July 2012
  • A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server-I've applied to this server because it looks like a good one, the previous 2 I've been on havn't lasted more than a week or two and I have big plans. This server is of a decent size so it looks like I won't be playing all by myself and the features look pretty nice.

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  • In game name: JapansDragon
  • Age: 22
  • Location: St. Louis, MO
  • Are you currently banned from any servers? No
  • Minecraft experience to date: I've been playing Minecraft for roughly a year now. As for Tekkit, I've been playing for a few months.
  • A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server: I've been looking for a Tekkit server to play on for awhile now. The last server I played on shut down, which is unfortunate. I'd like to join a new community and contribute as much as I can, and this server seems like a good fit.

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@ tehtub Get well soon friend

@ks I've notices generally improved loading times on the server though I still seem to lag and disconnect a lot probably cause the pc though (its old like me) xD

*I thought it might have been my pc too however i have experienced occasional lag and repeated kicks for 'end of stream' and 'out of memory'. It might still be my pc but if this is the same as you have ranz (and anyone else) then it may well be an issue. *


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  • In game name-e_bomba
  • Age-16
  • Location-Australia
  • Are you currently banned from any servers? No
  • Minecraft experience to date- Been playing Minecraft since early beta
  • A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server. I would like to play on your server because i love playing tekkit and have fun with my machines without fear of it all getting ruined or people stealing my things. Im looking for a mature and friendly community

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  • In game name: KingM0us
  • Age: 17
  • Location: North Carolina, United States
  • Are you currently banned from any servers? Nope :)
  • Minecraft experience to date: decent; I'm very good in tekkit
  • A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server: The old server I was playing on was taken down due to the lack of people playing it. I have gotten good enough in tekkit to begin exploring the nuclear power side of it, but as I said the server was taken down, and I tried to join the FTB server that is hosted by the same host of my old server but it constantly failed. I would like to play on your server for the fun of exploring tekkit.

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I do wish that people would list what mods are allowed and which ones are not. Primarly people care about Balkans and EE.

3. Be mature and creative. While we don't require any level of experience with Minecraft or Tekkit in general, we DO require that you act mature and creative. If your idea of creativity is a giant golden dong, don't bother applying. If you want to build a giant MkIII

collector flower and start handing out RM to people when you get bored, don't bother applying. There are only a few banned items, and we would like to keep it that way by trusting our players.

All mods are allowed. Only a few specific items are banned( e.g. Nukes, World anchors-use teleport tethers instead, Watch of flowing time) otherwise all mods and items are allowed... Basically if you can craft it you can use it.

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I do wish that people would list what mods are allowed and which ones are not. Primarly people care about Balkans and EE.

I do wish people would use common sense to conclude that if there isn't anything saying that certain mods are disabled, then they probably aren't disabled.

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