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[1.1.8]Resilience Freebuild Server[24/7][Graylist][PvE][Survival][20 slots][Mumble]

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  "ks7 said:
I'm aware of that, I'm testing different backups to see if I can find where the problem is. Also, how big is your AE autocrafter? That might have something to do with it, it can eat up some serious CPU time.

it has about 125 crafting CPU's, about as big as the ones we had in the old map

about 5x5x21 I think are the outside dimensions


poor server, going haywire :S wish they could get some stable mods out there lol

edit: and by mods im not talking about the people who are mods, im talking about the minecraft mods in the pack lol XD


Yeah and that Tub guy is the worst of them all.. With all his horrible puns and childish humor.. Man I hate that guy...


  "garretteagle1 said:
Well Tar is a bit unstable.... and the Mil guy is pretty questionable too...



  "TehTub said:
Yeah and that Tub guy is the worst of them all.. With all his horrible puns and childish humor.. Man I hate that guy...

I heard that this guy named Ks is someone to watch out for. Apparently he steals your soul when you're not looking....


I know Ran was on at one point, he had a little thing set up on the hill by my base :P

Also, as a progress update, I have the overworld working currently, but it looks like we're gonna lose the stuff in the Mystcraft dimensions. The nether looks fine, and I'm gonna check the moon right now. Inventories are gonna have to be cleared because it looks like I'll have to clear the player data to make sure people accidentally blow up the server by trying to spawn in worlds that don't exist anymore. Obviously we'll be more than happy to replace lost inventory items, although it does look like everything else is intact as far as chests/ ME systems go.


well.... all my imperials will be gone... all my industrious pew pew ;aldksfjas;dlkj sigh oh wells. at least they will be replaced. thinking on it ks i wonder if my hydrogen generator thingy is causing the crashes, just a wondering of mine.


Server is back up, if you need items replaced or anything, feel free to send me a PM on the forums or leave a sign at my house in game or at the spawn. Also, DO NOT use any linking books you have set up right now, they will cause an instant crash clientside.

Also, if you had waypoints to mark anything and you need them to find your home/ etc, they can be found under XXX\AppData\Roaming\.technic\bigdig\mods\rei_minimap. Me or one of the other admins/ mods will be happy to teleport you if we are on.


  • neo5460
  • 18
  • US, Colorado
  • Nope
  • Since alpha
  • I want to play with some mature players and show other people my creations as well as look as others. Also i would love no griefers what so ever.


I still can't connect, keeps saying "can't reach server" when I'm looking for it, and when it does find it it starts logging in and after a while says connection lost, "end of stream"


Yea Garrett I still play but very rarely have the free time

I don't see archnid coming back seeing as our friendship has fallen apart and we no longer share a home

to my knowledge he now plays on a friends server

Still trying to figure out the new big dig

Oh and also can anyone find a working sphax texture pack for the new version of big dig al

As I'm failing im my search's xD


Ok friends, for the last 3-4 days we've been trying to fix the issues with the server, we've been able to do small fix's that apparently only help the symptoms and not the root cause. So we're being forced to restart the world. We'll have the new world up and going shortly. But please, until we can update to the next recommended build of Big Dig keep in mind that 1.3.9 is a Dev build and buggier then windows vista at launch. So keep your builds simple. The mopdpack gives you billions of things to do but you don't need to do them all with one machine.

I'm getting the new worldfile ready as I type so we should be up within an hour.


so im taking it no reimbursement of items? :P lol oh well.... stink'n dev builds hope everything is going alright :S sucks that all your work on the spawn and nexus is gone :S


  "Ranzangsu said:
Yea Garrett I still play but very rarely have the free time

I don't see archnid coming back seeing as our friendship has fallen apart and we no longer share a home

to my knowledge he now plays on a friends server

Still trying to figure out the new big dig

Oh and also can anyone find a working sphax texture pack for the new version of big dig al

As I'm failing im my search's xD


its not complete, but it does work for most of the textures.


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