Lethosos Posted January 10, 2016 Author Posted January 10, 2016 Holy balls, 55 and 1/2 pages of black magic love spam. Quote
holymage! Posted January 10, 2016 Posted January 10, 2016 Thaumcraft 5 just seems like QOL things and nothing really drastic that's new Quote
Lethosos Posted January 11, 2016 Author Posted January 11, 2016 I've been watching the changelogs; it's basically a half-reversion to the old Thaumcraft 3 as I see it. The Aura mechanics simply make it more important to be in a good spot to do your infusions and other things. Quote
holymage! Posted January 11, 2016 Posted January 11, 2016 (edited) I've been watching the changelogs; it's basically a half-reversion to the old Thaumcraft 3 as I see it. The Aura mechanics simply make it more important to be in a good spot to do your infusions and other things. so we just make mystcraft worlds for infusion....because that's what i did back in the day... dunno if this is TRUE! but with the new devices that you can use to move Vis and taint from one chunk to another you can get taint to go from all your surrounding chunks into one chunk and just have that chunk be a "cleaning" to remove all the bad stuff.... Edited January 11, 2016 by holymage! Quote
dwwojcik Posted January 11, 2016 Posted January 11, 2016 My model train thing is still going Kocken926 and holymage! 2 Quote
Neowulf Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 I'm a bad man... Playing dwarf fortress, got myself a fortress with a vampire I know about. He's hurt from his epic battle fighting a wereelk and I've got him in the hospital to act as a training dummy for my unskilled doctors. Because he's been on military station for the past 2 years he's a might bit thirsty. So he keeps trying to make his way to the dormitory where the poor unsuspecting fortressmates are leaving their necks unguarded. But since he's hurt my doctors keep catching him half way there and dragging him back to the hospital area. And I can't stop laughing at the poor bloodsucker. Melfice, Kocken926, Lethosos and 3 others 6 Quote
TheBytemaster Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 How long did it take you to start enjoying dwarf fortress? It looks fun, but the learning curve seems kind of.... daunting. Quote
Neowulf Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 As soon as I tried it. Yes the learning curve is an overhang cliff with a band of goblin archers firing at you from the top, but tools like dwarf therapist help tremendously. Plus I like both really complex games and town/city sims. Quote
holymage! Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 (edited) so an interesting topic came up in regards to the new star wars at work last night 1.) how can Fin use a lightsaber? only people who can use the force with the color of your lightsaber deciding your alignment and in the case of a jedi, your rank among the jedi. 2.) in the 6th movie Luke lightsaber is green, yet the one rai has is blue. this could be explained by the above but is still interesting... (i know in the 6th movie they had to make it green because the blue wouldn't come through on the blue sky if they didn't) 3.) Rai going directly to Leia and hugging her. Rai hasn't met Leia yet...so they just hug each other to greet each other? no "hi nice to meet you, i watched your husband die and i didn't even try to use the force to try and save him" ....women are weird. Edited January 15, 2016 by holymage! Quote
theprolo Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 If I knew how to make a spoiler, I could answer the first two of those Quote
Neowulf Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 1: Lightsabers aren't magic swords powered by the force. They're massless but partially tangible blades of energy with wonky interaction physics, created by a particle stream through an array of special crystals. The reason you rarely see anyone but a force user wielding one is you pretty much need the force precog ability or a lot of luck to make it past the beginner stages without lopping a couple of your own limbs off. Han used luke's in ESB, and grevious won out against trained jedi in the clone wars cartoon and RotS. Blade color is determined by the crystals used, not magical alignment reading. The prevailing fan theory is the color is a side effect of the power and focus characteristics chosen when building the saber, with "hot" colors denoting high output with bare minimum focus, while "cool" colors show a blade precisely focused to use minimum energy output to maximum effect. Basically a mirror of the light and dark side mentalities but still a mechanical effect created by the choice of the builder. 2: The saber luke used in RotJ was a newly built saber, not the blue saber given to him by obi wan in a new hope. While presumably lost, the saber likely stayed lodged in the depth of cloud city during the empire's occupation and retrieved later after the death star 2's destruction. 3: Hollywood. Hah, no spoiler tag needed. And yes, I am a massive nerd. So much so you have no idea. holymage! and Kocken926 2 Quote
TheBytemaster Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 (edited) If I knew how to make a spoiler, I could answer the first two of those You make spoiler tags with spoiler and /spoiler inside of [square brackets] Edited January 15, 2016 by TheBytemaster holymage! 1 Quote
holymage! Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 1: Lightsabers aren't magic swords powered by the force. They're massless but partially tangible blades of energy with wonky interaction physics, created by a particle stream through an array of special crystals. The reason you rarely see anyone but a force user wielding one is you pretty much need the force precog ability or a lot of luck to make it past the beginner stages without lopping a couple of your own limbs off. Han used luke's in ESB, and grevious won out against trained jedi in the clone wars cartoon and RotS. Blade color is determined by the crystals used, not magical alignment reading. The prevailing fan theory is the color is a side effect of the power and focus characteristics chosen when building the saber, with "hot" colors denoting high output with bare minimum focus, while "cool" colors show a blade precisely focused to use minimum energy output to maximum effect. Basically a mirror of the light and dark side mentalities but still a mechanical effect created by the choice of the builder. 2: The saber luke used in RotJ was a newly built saber, not the blue saber given to him by obi wan in a new hope. While presumably lost, the saber likely stayed lodged in the depth of cloud city during the empire's occupation and retrieved later after the death star 2's destruction. 3: Hollywood. Hah, no spoiler tag needed. And yes, I am a massive nerd. So much so you have no idea. that was much less epic then i was hoping for.... Quote
EvilOwl Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 @Neowulf You got reported my friend. I laughed for like 10 minutes. Don't be too harsh on him. Year long tempban should be enough Quote
TheBytemaster Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 Literally Hitler: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/01/secret-hitler-the-bluffing-game-for-people-who-hate-bluffing-games/ This game looks so fun. I really hope the make a net version. Anyways, I assume everyone has seen or had Star Wars spoiled by now, what did you guys think? Personally I felt like it was pretty solid, and did a reasonable job setting up for the next movies, but I also felt like they could have spent a little less time on nostalgia/callbacks. I mean, I understand they need to appeal to the "Original" SW fans, but it kind of just felt like overkill towards the end. Quote
Kocken926 Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 (edited) Anyways, I assume everyone has seen or had Star Wars spoiled by now, what did you guys think? Personally I felt like it was pretty solid, and did a reasonable job setting up for the next movies, but I also felt like they could have spent a little less time on nostalgia/callbacks. I mean, I understand they need to appeal to the "Original" SW fans, but it kind of just felt like overkill towards the end. I've seen it at least, and whilst it was a good movie for spectacle (good effects, camerawork, battles, actors etc.) I just feel like the plot has too many problems. In no particular order: Rey can use the force out of nowhere, R2-D2 wakes up because the plot wants it (unless, of course, R2 is force sensitive ).The stormtrooper army is somehow organized in such a way that a single random soldier can grab a very important POW and just walk off with him. And the biggest thing, no one questioned the fact that the First order built an entire planet into a cannon? That thing was not subtle, and it sounded like the order didn't have the massive military advantage like in the originals, so that thing should have been blown up before its completion! Still, fun to watch. I don't think Darth Emo is as bad of a character as some people think and I actually liked the saber combat, though I've yet to find a reason why force users can't pull an Eragon and just snap a few synapses with the force when they're in battle, at least against non-force users. Edited January 17, 2016 by Kocken926 Quote
TheBytemaster Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 EDIT: The text in the spoiler tag is grey for some reason, any way around this? Manually set the color of the text by editing. Quote
holymage! Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 i like the movie as a whole, and the only part i didn't like was when Rai is walking up to see luke and luke says nothing and does nothing. Quote
TheBytemaster Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 i like the movie as a whole, and the only part i didn't like was when Rai is walking up to see luke and luke says nothing and does nothing. I have to agree, that was rather... underwhelming? I kind of expected him to at least say a word or two. Like, "Rey" or something. Something to make everyone freak out with theories. Quote
holymage! Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 I have to agree, that was rather... underwhelming? I kind of expected him to at least say a word or two. Like, "Rey" or something. Something to make everyone freak out with theories. with the support of my intuition i want to say that luke is Rai's father and that he dumped her on the planet and told her to wait for him Quote
Melfice Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 with the support of my intuition i want to say that luke is Rai's father and that he dumped her on the planet and told her to wait for him Barring a thorough and complete mindwipe of everything related to Skywalker, it's unlikely.While she'd heard of both the Force and the Rebellion, most of it she knew only as myths and legends.She didn't even recognize one of the biggest name generals when he took her ship from her. Methinks Rey would have remembered, if only through stories from her father.Unless Luke wiped her mind. Which seems awfully Dark Side-y, to me. Quote
_Mataroyale_Modpacker_ Posted January 20, 2016 Posted January 20, 2016 (edited) Edit: formatting probs. I love Darth Emo. He's a very different type of villain than Vader/Sidious and I like that. His temper tantrums and hissy fits make him more hateable and turn him into a villain that you look down on instead of fear. Edited January 20, 2016 by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_ Quote
TheBytemaster Posted January 21, 2016 Posted January 21, 2016 I love Darth Emo. He's a very different type of villain than Vader/Sidious and I like that. His temper tantrums and hissy fits make him more hateable and turn him into a villain that you look down on instead of fear. I think long term, he'll end up being more a interesting character than most Sith. The only thing I really dislike about Darth Emo is the actor. IMO he acted the part really really well, but he just doesn't.....LOOK like a Sith. Oh well, I guess you can't have it all. Quote
Neowulf Posted January 21, 2016 Posted January 21, 2016 He looks like a greasy haired pimply faced emo teenager with daddy issues. The tortured by a pull to the light side angle is kinda interesting but just screams eventual redemption death. Probably a shaky redemption halfway through EP 9 and a sacrifice play to beat the real badguy. Not quite the full Vader, just a confused kid who was deep down a good guy all along. As for his likely cousin, I'm guessing daddy luke tries to be yoda and keeps it from her until he has to sacrifice himself in EP8 or early EP9. Part of me wants to see michael bay direct 9 just so we can see the first order modify a whole star system to unite and transform into totally-not-Unicron. But my gut tells me an invasion of the galaxy by twisted horrors from the nether regions of hyperspace, summoned by mr snoke, is more likely. "Behold the real true power of the dark side!" After credits scene for EP9- "Ms Skywalker. I'd like to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative." Melfice, Lethosos, Mooseman9 and 1 other 4 Quote
TheBytemaster Posted January 21, 2016 Posted January 21, 2016 This amuses me far, far too much. Kocken926 and holymage! 2 Quote
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