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What's the fastest digging tool in 1.2.6b?

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I used to play Voltz once upon a time, and as a person who spends the majority of their time mining, I miss a few things from that modpack.  Namely obsidian pickaxe/shovels and the best (probably OP) tool, the atomic disassembler.


Both of the aforementioned items are absent in Tekkit, okay fine, but what should I aiming for to hopefully recreate the digging speed of the Voltz tools?  So far I've been getting by, painfully by using hardened tools, but that's just a fraction of the speed comparatively.

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Pretty much deal with it until you can build large quarrying machines. With TE terrain smashers and redstone in motion carriages you can make a crawler that uses no power. Or if you can build a fusion reactor, a fully powered mining well takes around 3 seconds to mine from sea level to bedrock. But all of these are very resource intensive.


I suppose you could use quarries with a couple steam dynamos or magmatics, takes around 7 to fully power a quarry I think.

Edited by rogueclon946
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If mining by hand (that is yourself doing it and not a machine), getting a powersuit would really help. The fist from that mod (powerfist, which is entirely self-sufficient and doesn't require the rest of the armor), has pickaxe, axe, shove, and even hoe attachments that ensure that you only have to use that one tool. Further, each attachment has a power slider that will speed up the digging many-fold by consuming more power from the battery on-board the fist / armor. As far as I know, that is the fastest possible manual digging tool available.

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For manual mining the power tool.


But if you want to make a crazy flying mining machine, use Mining Wells and either Redstone in Motion or Forcefields...

Actually, Direwolf 20 is making one now in his singleplayer series, you might wanna check that out...

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Dont forget about vanilla enchanting!


I have a diamond pickaxe that has Efficiency IX on it; there is nothing I've found that destroys stone and ore faster!  One quick, light tap on the mouse button will destroy several blocks - holding the mouse button down causes a ridiculous amount of destruction.  It's far faster than my power glove with maxed overclocking on the pick install.  If you want a laugh, I suggest trying it.

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quarry plus mod, 256x256 quarry, why go for speed when you can go for volume BUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA




oh I forgot to mention you can enchant the quarry plus quarries with, efficiency, silk touch, fortune and unbreaking. should see that thing go when it has efficiency 5 on it. also note, applied energistics me system is the only system able to keep up with quarry with efficiency 5 on it because you get that much stuff

Edited by TonyVS
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quarry plus mod, 256x256 quarry, why go for speed when you can go for volume BUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA




oh I forgot to mention you can enchant the quarry plus quarries with, efficiency, silk touch, fortune and unbreaking. should see that thing go when it has efficiency 5 on it. also note, applied energistics me system is the only system able to keep up with quarry with efficiency 5 on it because you get that much stuff

Throughput or amount of items? Because opaque itemducts attached to all 6 sides of an enderchest easily keeps up with my strip miner currently running around 16 items/tick

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both, not sure the exact count but I do know logistics is unable to keep up, items feedback to the quarry when using logistics pipes, which is why we initially went to me storage, now I wouldn't use anything but me storage

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Fuzzy Import Bus Configurable block which imports any configured items, while ignoring NBT data, and treating any damaged items as the same, at a rate of 1 / 5 ticks or 64 / 5 ticks.
however on my quarry end I have the the quarry plus quarry and matching pump and tesseract and one link of redstone conduit (quarry takes mj tesseract gives rf) the pump will drain any liquid out that are in the quarry. good for keeping lag from flow down but bad because you get no obsidian.
then on the other end I have tesseract feeding into an me interface then into my me system
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A quarry will output into a gold transport pipe, this should be able to connect to the tesseract. Another tesseract directly connected to an ME Interface has 8 stacks/unique items per tick for an imput rate. I haven't gotten to tesseracts on 1.2.6b/1.2.7b to test it but in 1.1.0, 1 pair of item tesseracts with gold piping was easily able to keep up with 4 64x64 quarries when outputting into an ME interface.

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A quarry will output into a gold transport pipe, this should be able to connect to the tesseract. Another tesseract directly connected to an ME Interface has 8 stacks/unique items per tick for an imput rate. I haven't gotten to tesseracts on 1.2.6b/1.2.7b to test it but in 1.1.0, 1 pair of item tesseracts with gold piping was easily able to keep up with 4 64x64 quarries when outputting into an ME interface.

A quarry's max output rate is 1 operation every 3 ticks and this is at around 500 rf/tick.

Mining wells can only mine straight down in a single spot but max at 1 operation per tick at about 250 rf/ tick.

As long as you're willing to spend extra resources making multiple wells and a ton of wood for redstone in motion carriages, you can make a crawling strip miner that easily outpaces a quarry and can just be set and forget, as well as more energy efficient.

The quarries he's enchanting are from quarries plus, a mod that he added to tekkit himself.

And i guess i will have to switch over to ME buses before i add in some more reactors and expand my miners lol.

Also, ender chests can directly connect to quarries as well, and they're much easier to make than tesseracts.

Edited by rogueclon946
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As long as you're willing to spend extra resources making multiple wells and a ton of wood for redstone in motion carriages, you can make a crawling strip miner that easily outpaces a quarry and can just be set and forget, as well as more energy efficient.

Another option would be to build a RIM tunnel bore.  With TE block breakers and RiM pattern carriages I reckon a pretty effective miner could be built.  Wouldn't need power either.

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Another option would be to build a RIM tunnel bore.  With TE block breakers and RiM pattern carriages I reckon a pretty effective miner could be built.  Wouldn't need power either.

Actually that would be the best way to start. Even if using mining wells you need the terrain smasher setup or else your bore gets stuck. So since this thread was originally about earlier digging i think, starting with just a carriage with terrain smashers is great. Also very easy to expand or upgrade with mining wells. As a note from sea level at max power, a timer connecged to the carriage engine set at 3.2 seconds is enough time to hit bedrock. From the top of the nether its around 6.5

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Wait, so you can enchant quarries? How do you do this, do you do it like with a normal tool on the enchanting table?

quarry plus is an additional mod and it comes with it's own enchantment table, you put in the quarry and and enchanted pickaxe and you can put the enchantments from the pickaxe onto the quarry

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If you find the RIM + terrain smasher to be a bit op, you could always just use a setup that has the RIM moving a wall of ME transition plain(s).  Hook those too an ME controler linked too an ME quantum link.  and power the me sub-system using a tesseract.  It would be as fast as the terrain smasher, but still need power for the controler, quantum link and transition plain(s).  This way you can actually have it use energy while it is doing work for you.  Would require about the same amount of power as a quarry to run a 9x9 ME boring machine.

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